Bo Xiong

PhD candidate @ IMPRS-IS & University of Stuttgart

I am a fina-year Ph.D. candidate at the International Max Plank Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS) and the University of Stuttgart, Germany. I am supervised by Prof. Steffen Staab and was funded by the Marie Curie PhD Fellowship.

My research centres on machine learning within symbolic and structured domains, with a special emphasis on modeling complex structured data including networks, knowledge graphs, and ontologies. For this purpose, I am conducting fundamental and interdisciplinary research in graph/relational ML, neuro-symbolic AI, knowledge representation, and foundation models.

Recent News

Mar 27, 2024 Thanks to Antonio Vergari and ELLIS Stuttgart, I finished my visiting at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
Mar 15, 2024 One paper got accepted at NAACL’24
Dec 9, 2023 One paper got accepted at AAAI’24
Dec 1, 2023 One paper got accepted at ICDE’24
Jul 29, 2023 I was recognized as an IMPRS-IS Scholar Spotlight
Jul 28, 2023 We will organize a tutorial on Beyond-Triple KG Embeddings at CIKM 2023
Jul 1, 2023 We will organize a tutorial on Hyperbolic Graph Neural Networks at KDD’23
Jun 7, 2023 Our paper received the University of Stuttgart Publication Prize
May 3, 2023 Two papers on knowledge graphs got accepted to ACL’23
Apr 5, 2023 One short paper on Biomedical Knowledge Fusion got accepted at SIGIR’23